Welcome to the Docs!
This doc guide includes information about an array of different topics related to React development.
This guide is completely open to contributions. If there is something you see that is wrong, could be explained better, or anything that you don't see, but you wish you did, feel free to create a pull request to add/fix/update this information. Or if there's a topic that doesn't exist, and you're not able to create it, feel free to create an issue for it and another contributor will (hopefully) be able to add it for you! Contributing to this guide is easy and any help is much appreciated!
Icon Legend
means contributions are welcome for an item.
means the item development is currently in progress.
means todo, or that this item needs to completed.
means the item was recently finished and its content is being reviewed.
Table of Contents
- React
- Additional Reading
- Redux
- React Router
- Webpack
- Yarn
- Redux
- Developer Guide
- Common Problems
- Additional Resources
- Create React App Guide
The docs part of this project is completely open for contributions! Feel free to add new docs about topics that are currently not on the list, or update any existing docs to help make them better. Any help with this would be awesome! When contributing to the docs there are a few basic rules that should be followed:
- Keep each docs page brief. Long doc pages tend to make readers lose focus and skim over a topic. We don't want that, we want the readers of our docs to engage with what they are reading. To follow this, there are a couple things you can do:
- Cut the fluff. There's no need to add fancy wording. Get straight to the point!
- Break up larger docs into multiple smaller docs (similar to how react component decomposition works
- Make sure to add the doc page in proper order. The docs should flow together. Find a place you feel the doc fits in the table of contents and add it there. Then add a footer to your doc page that includes the proper previous topic as well as next topic. Check out the footer of the The Basics doc for reference.
- Add code examples if you can by either embedding code in the doc or inserting links to code examples in our codebase.
- Add any other references you think are useful. This can be other docs sources or really anything that is helpful (My favorites are videos and diagrams!).
- Upload any custom images to the images/ directory.
- Use badges in your docs to indicate the status of a given doc or section of a doc. Some ideas for these are:
- Make your doc fun! The last thing we want is for readers to get bored. Feel free to add emojis, images, videos, or whatever you want to spice up your doc. As long as the content is solid and is enticing to read, it has a home here!
For an official guide about how to contribute to this project, check out this project's Contributing Guide.
A big kudos to all the contributors. You all are awesome!